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It's Worth Educating Mom Bloggers About Natural, Organic Foods

There are great rewards for natural and organic food manufacturers that would take the time to educate Mom Bloggers on the virtues of their natural and organic food products. For starters, Mom Bloggers would be glad to share this information with millions of Moms. And as consumers, they’d welcome the clarity.

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There are great rewards for natural and organic food manufacturers that would take the time to educate Mom Bloggers on the virtues of their natural and organic food products.

For starters, Mom Bloggers would be glad to share this information with millions of Moms. And as consumers, they’d welcome the clarity.

In a survey among Mom Bloggers, almost all respondents (96%) thought that natural and organic food labels were misleading.

“It's hard for the average consumer to determine the difference between natural and organic, and what's regulated and what's not,” said Lindsay Frank, Mom Blogger and owner of See Mom Click. “I know there are some labels that are okay to slap on packaging without much oversight, so it’s difficult to determine what are the healthiest options for your family. The packaging is very misleading and confusing.”

A lot of confusion may be attributed to not clearly understanding the difference between natural foods and organic foods. For example, while 81% of the Mom Bloggers claimed that there was a difference, 41% did not know that organic foods were regulated by the U.S. government and 45% incorrectly thought there was government oversight for natural foods.

Also read: What's Ahead in 2015? Five Mom Bloggers Share Advice For Food Makers

Karen Howard, CEO and Executive Director, Organic & Natural Health Association, said, “Consumers are spending up to $300 billion per week on natural foods, yet their assumptions of what natural is skews away from the reality. The Organic and Natural Health Association represents the interests of both industry and consumers.

“We now know from our recent survey that 95% of the general population believes organic foods should be free of synthetic additives, and two-thirds believe the same for natural. It is clear, people do not want artificial and synthetic ingredients in the natural products they buy. Since there is no regulation for the use of ‘natural,’ moms are left to decipher the whims of talented marketing teams. Our work to define natural in a meaningful way with the collaboration of consumer groups will result in a certified Natural Seal that moms and families can rely on.”

“The public needs to know why organic and natural foods are worth the extra money,” said Amee Cantagallo, Mom Blogger and owner of Real Advice Gal. “It’s important for food manufacturers to explain the value that organic or natural foods bring to our lives and why we should pay more.”

Despite the uncertainty, three-fourths of the Mom Bloggers said they were willing to pay more for natural or organic versions of fruit, eggs, vegetables, and milk, while nearly half of them were willing to pay more for natural or organic versions of cheese, snacks, bread, and cereal.

Mom Bloggers are more than excited to work with natural and organic food manufacturers according to LaVonne Long, Mom Blogger and owner of Long Wait for Isabella. “I’ve noticed that Horizon and Silk work quite frequently with Mom Bloggers,” she said. “I'd love to see more companies like this take notice and realize the value of educational blog promotions.”

If you still need proof that Mom Bloggers can be your best brand ambassadors, Lisa Weidknecht, Mom Blogger and owner of Planet Weidknecht, summed it up best: “We need MORE organic and natural foods. In fact, ALL foods should be natural and organic!”

About the Author
Wendy Hirschhorn is CEO of Wendy’s Bloggers, a bridge for brands to create valuable relationships with Mommy Bloggers and their followers. To learn how Mom Bloggers can promote your brand, contact Wendy at 212-826-8790 or [email protected].