Samsung's New Tizen Smart TVs Connect To World More Seamlessly

Ed Baig talks with Samsung's Dave Das and gets a first look at the company's new Tizen Smart TVs.

Televisions aren’t just TVs anymore. As consumers become increasingly connected to the world around them, that idea has finally been catching some tread in the living room. Sure, companies tried this idea in the past like Microsoft’s WebTV and Windows Media Center, but they may have just been ahead of their time.

We have become a multi-tasking society with billions of people connected to social media, email and the Internet through our smartphones, tablets and computers. At the risk of TVs losing their dominance and becoming obsolete, television makers have been embracing the connected world for the last few years in an attempt to continue to make the iconic living room device the focal point for consumers.

Set to launch this year, Samsung plans to release its Smart TVs using the company’s Tizen software designed to blur the lines between television and connected device. Take a look at this USA TODAY video where Ed Baig talks with Dave Das, senior vice president of home entertainment marketing at Samsung, and gets a first look at the company's new Tizen Smart TVs. 

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