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Centrifugal Sifters

Gericke Centrifugal Sifters are specifically designed for high capacity separation of dry tramp materials by particle size.


Gericke Centrifugal Sifters are specifically designed for high capacity separation of dry tramp materials by particle size. Distributed throughout North America by Powder Technologies, Inc., (PTI), these sifters offer capacities up to 100 tons/hr. with sieve openings from 50µ to 4000µ. They are available in a range of screen sizes in nylon, polypropylene and woven-wire with optional colored screens. The units feature carbon steel construction with FDA approved paint finishes, stainless steel basket assembly and dust-tight access doors with safety switches, side-mounted drives for compact installation and accessibility and low noise and vibration levels. The sifters can be customized to suit specific applications with optional twin sifters and tumble sifters, air purged seals, special hazardous electrical specifications, and pressure rated casings.


Powder Technologies Inc.,