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Watt Dog Meter

Watt Dog is a compact, full featured touch screen power and energy meter with a graphical display presenting user-friendly data, says the company.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"158203","attributes":{"alt":"Watt Dog Meter","class":"media-image","height":"232","style":"float: right; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; border: 1px solid black;","title":"Watt Dog Meter","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"320"}}]]Watt Dog from HOYT Monitor Technologies (Penacook, NH) is a compact, full featured touch screen power and energy meter with a graphical display presenting user-friendly data, says the company. The meter, upon command, downloads measured results for reporting and analysis. The primary screen of the local display provides information in the form of energy, power, and dollars. Secondary screens can be tailored to provide a display of historic data, demand energy profiles, or any measured parameter. Using multiple WattDOG meters allows the user to collect simultaneous information from multiple locations to be used for comparison or billing.

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