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Walter Safety App

The Walter Safety App has been designed to provide metalworkers around the world with easy access to essential safety information when working on the factory floors.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"158200","attributes":{"alt":"Walter Safety App","class":"media-image","height":"320","style":"float: right; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; border: 1px solid black;","title":"Walter Safety App","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"213"}}]]Walter (Montreal, Canada) has launched a new, efficient application for iPhones. The Walter Safety App has been designed to provide metalworkers around the world with easy access to essential safety information when working on the factory floors. The Walter Application highlights:

  • Abrasives speed chart: Provides MAX RPM info for all Walter abrasive discs, based on their diameters
  • Grinding angles: Provide minimum and maximum grinding angles according to type of grinder and choice of abrasive
  • Drill Bits speed chart: Provides optimal drilling RPM according to drill bit diameter and type of material to be drilled
  • Annular Core Cutter speed chart: Establishes the recommended RPM based on the cutter diameter and the type of material to be cut
  • Unit converter: Converts hundreds of unit measurements, including length, area, volume, and temperature

There are also quick links to instructional Walter videos and