Tesla To Offer Lower-Cost Model S Versions

The revamped Model S, with an altered design, automatic braking and other features, will be priced at $66,000.

(Image credit: Tesla Motors)
(Image credit: Tesla Motors)

Tesla Motors plans to reintroduce its Model S 60 sedan in an effort to attract more luxury car buyers.

The electric vehicle manufacturer sold the 60 from 2012 until 2015 before it rolled out a 70D all-wheel drive model that started at $75,000.

The revamped version, with an altered design, automatic braking and other features, will be priced at $66,000, USA Today reports.

Tesla estimates that with tax incentives and gasoline savings factored in, the new 60 will actually cost about $50,000. The company also believes that its leasing rate will be competitive with models from Mercedes-Benz and Audi.

(Image credit: Tesla Motors)(Image credit: Tesla Motors)

The new 60D, an all-wheel drive version, will also start at about $4,000 less than the 70D.

Tesla plans to roll out the lowest-cost vehicle in its history, the $35,000 Model 3, next year.

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