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Mom Bloggers Reveal Secrets to Get Men Cooking

How can food manufacturers encourage more men to take an interest in meal preparation? The first step is Mom Bloggers. Some Mom Bloggers felt the secret for food makers to motivate men to pitch in was through traditional gender-based “manly” foodstuffs.

While most Mom Bloggers rule the kitchen, some do have husbands who know their way around pots and pans. They can — and do — create delicious meals and even pitch in with food shopping.

So how can food manufacturers encourage more men to take an interest in meal preparation? The first step is Mom Bloggers.

“Just ask a Mom Blogger to feature her husband preparing a meal,” said LaVonne Long, Mom Blogger of Long Wait for Isabella. “A blog post with dad and the kids making a recipe would be a fun food campaign to feature!”

Danielle Sgantas, Mom Blogger of Royalegacy Reviews & More, admits she’s not a great cook. Fortunately, her husband Vincent, who is a chef, prepares about 20 family dinners a month and food shops three times a month.

“If we want dinner to taste great, I leave it to Vincent,” said Danielle. He’s helped Danielle with her food-related blogging assignments and has whipped up everything from avocado quiche to strawberries & cream dessert crepes.

Every month, George McFadden makes breakfast for his wife Alison, Mom Blogger of Shortcut Saver, and their three kids about 15 times and does the family food shopping at least 10 times.

“George has helped me with almost every single recipe for a food-related campaign,” said Alison. “He’s an awesome cook and throws just about anything together. Plus, he can make up recipes that are delicious.

“My suggestion to food manufacturers that want to get more of our husbands involved is to provide Mom Bloggers with recipes for football parties, poker night and other man-cave activities. That should get their attention!”

Other Mom Bloggers also felt the secret for food makers to motivate men to pitch in was through traditional gender-based “manly” foodstuffs.

Renae Cruz, Mom Blogger of Mostly Together Mommy, is married to a professional chef who prepares family dinners 10 to 20 times a month.

“My husband has helped me with food preparation and some great food ideas for my blog,” said Renae. “Anytime I can get a hand from him, my recipe is better off for it.

“Hearty meals are the best way to get men interested. My husband is much more interested any time meat is involved!”

Kelly Hutchinson, Mom Blogger of Makobi Scribe, whose husband prepares dinner and food shops about 10 times a month, says, “If I tell my husband a recipe is healthy, he’s not as into cooking it. If I tell him it is hearty and spicy, he’s all over it!”

Megan Balaban, Mom Blogger of Ahh~Mazing Reviews, agrees. Her husband prepares up to 20 dinners and food shops twice monthly.

“Sauces and exotic flavors are the bait,” said Megan. “If something is out of the norm, men seem to be all over it. Either they want to be one of the first to try these flavors or it just seems manly to them, but that is hook, line and sinker for my hubby!”

Cassandra Langley, Mom Blogger of Cuzinlogic, says that every month her husband prepares breakfast between five and 10 times and food shops three times.

“I think the most important thing about getting men involved in a Mom Blogger food campaign, is that the food appeals to men and it’s easy to prepare,” said Cassandra. “For my husband it’s especially so since he works while I stay home with the kids. If he’s going to cook for us, he likes it to be delicious and quick. He makes breakfast the most since he knows it doesn't have to be complicated.”

Mom Blogger Liz Chapman says her husband helps her photograph food to accompany some of the recipes she posts on her blog, Western New Yorker.

“On a monthly basis he shops for food twice and prepares breakfast a few times, however it’s safer if I just stay in the kitchen,” Liz said with a smile.

Her advice for food manufacturers is to provide men with cooking lessons for easy-to-make recipes. “Make it entertaining instead of a chore,” she emphasized.

Some Mom Bloggers, like Heather Wong of Heather Speaks Out, concurred that the conventional way to a man’s heart – and getting him to cook – is through the grill.

Heather, whose husband prepares lunch a few times a month says, “Anything involving meat on the grill with very few steps of prep is going to be a home run.”

Tricia Fandrey, Mom Blogger of The Night Owl Mama, has a husband who makes breakfast 5 to 10 times a month.

“I would love to see more breakfast-related food items promoted for men to prepare,” said Tricia. “Beyond that, the only other items the men in my house will make are on the grill.”

Sherryl Wilson, Mom Blogger of Simply Sherryl, said her husband makes dinner and does the food shopping a few times a month, and that she occasionally writes about his meals.

Her advice was: “Ask Mom Bloggers to prepare menu items that men would normally prepare. Meals that can be prepared by firing up the grill and showing off ‘man skills’ will have more men willing to cook for food manufacturers.”

And last, but not least, Mom Blogger Shelly Leatham is married to, a professional chef. She’s featured some of his creations on her blog, Shelly's Bits and Pieces.

Shelly said her husband Michael, prepares dinner about 10 to 20 times a month. She’d like to see food manufacturers feature men who cook in their advertisements.

This time, she let Michael have the last word: "Food manufacturers need to realize that women aren’t the only ones in the kitchen,” he said. “Men would like to see other men cooking for their families.”

The secret is out. Food makers that want to lure men into the kitchen will find Mom Bloggers to be their best allies.

About the Author
Wendy Hirschhorn is CEO of Wendy’s Bloggers, a bridge for food manufacturers to create valuable relationships with Mom Bloggers and their followers. For more information, visit To harness the power of Mom Bloggers for your Brand, contact Wendy at 212-826-8790 or [email protected].


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