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Versatile Motion Controllers

TMC-3D, the multi-axis motion controller from Technosoft (Bevaix, Switzerland) has now been adapted to execute G-code commands, which execute various movements such as piece cutting, profile shaping, or drawing. The G-code information is translated into TML commonds through the C-code to TML converter integrated in the EasyMotion Studio software.

TMC-3D, the multi-axis motion controller from Technosoft (Bevaix, Switzerland) has now been adapted to execute G-code commands, which execute various movements such as piece cutting, profile shaping, or drawing. The G-code information is translated into TML commonds through the C-code to TML converter integrated in the EasyMotion Studio software. After the conversion process, the TMD-3D will send the motion sequences to the drives and motors. The TMD-3D is able to control two other Technosoft intelligent drives and also includes a 640 W servo drive that may be used to command one of the application axes.

For more information on the TMC-3D, or the G-code converter tool, visit