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Superbolt Catalog

The “Multi-jackbolt tensioners (MJTs) standard range” Superbolt catalog highlights one of the most innovative technologies available for tightening bolts and studs, according to the company.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"157838","attributes":{"alt":"Superbolt Catalog","class":"media-image","height":"232","style":"float: right; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;","title":"Superbolt Catalog","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"320"}}]]The Nord-Lock Group (Carnegie, PA) offers a unique combination of bolting expertise and a wide product range, including wedge-locking solutions and Superbolt tensioners. The “Multi-jackbolt tensioners (MJTs) standard range” Superbolt catalog highlights one of the most innovative technologies available for tightening bolts and studs, according to the company. This new edition contains technical information on Nord-Lock’s new standard global range of MJTs, and how using this technology can help increase worker safety and safeguard customer investments. Multi-jackbolt tensioners retrofit your existing nuts and bolts and require only hand/air tools to tension accurately and quickly.  

The new release is available by request, and also in digital form at or

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