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SmartWireless® Site Sentinel

The SmartWireless® Site Sentinel is the most powerful stand-alone gas detection system designed for fixed, semi-fixed, and transportable use in light and heavy industrial environments, according to the company.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"158234","attributes":{"alt":"SmartWireless\u00ae Site Sentinel","class":"media-image","height":"320","style":"float: right;","title":"SmartWireless\u00ae Site Sentinel","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"183"}}]]Detcon’s (The Woodlands, TX) SmartWireless® Site Sentinel is the most powerful stand-alone gas detection system designed for fixed, semi-fixed, and transportable use in light and heavy industrial environments, according to the company. The wireless, battery-powered system monitors dangerous toxic and combustible gases through new-to-market wireless network innovations and offers the safest, most comprehensive and flexible gas detection system available today. The advanced monitoring system is easy to customize and each system can be fitted with a number of components including toxic and infrared hydrocarbon combustible gas detectors, controllers, remote HMIs, solar panels, and alarm and signaling stations. Flexible and expandable, each system can include up to 32 detectors and consist of any combination of wired or wireless devices.

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