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24 VDC Sensor/Transmitter

The 24 VDC Sensor/Transmitter features a PID sensor, which can be calibrated for ppm/ppb level detection of a wide range of toxic hydrocarbon gases and organic compounds

[[{"fid":"158637","view_mode":"media_original","type":"media","attributes":{"height":300,"width":272,"style":"float: right;","class":"media-element file-media-original"}}]]The 24 VDC Sensor/Transmitter from ENMET Corporation (Ann Arbor, MI) features a PID sensor, which can be calibrated for ppm/ppb level detection of a wide range of toxic hydrocarbon gases and organic compounds, such as benzene, vinyl chloride, or methyl mercaptan. The sensor/transmitter also can be used for detecting certain inorganic compounds such as hydrazine. It has been approved for Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C and D and features a liquid crystal display, 4-20 mA output, and non-intrusive calibration. It operates on 24 VDC power provided by a PLC or any controllers available from ENMET.

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