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Cancer Deaths Higher For Computer Manufacturing Employees

Cancer deaths among U.S. computer manufacturing employees are significantly higher than the general population according to a study released Thursday.

Cancer deaths among U.S. computer manufacturing employees are significantly higher than the general population according to a study released Thursday.

A study from the journal Environmental Health, conducted by Dr. Richard W. Clapp, revealed that proportional mortality ratios (PRM) averaged 107 among men and 115 among women, as compared with the general population between 1969 and 2001. 

There were also excessive numbers of deaths due to multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Previous studies suggested increased cancer incidence and mortality in workers exposed to solvents and other chemicals in computer manufacturing jobs.

Deaths were increased due to specific cancers and among workers more likely to be exposed to solvents and other chemical exposures in manufacturing operations.