While a lot is often made of the quality of a new smartphone's camera, a recent survey by YouGov has revealed that something much more mundane and practical is at the top of smartphone users' wishlists. Longer battery life was cited as the feature most people want their phone to have. Having the best quality camera was only cited by 12 percent of respondents as being the most-wanted feature compared to 46 percent for better battery life.
The infographic below breaks down the results of the survey by gender to reveal some key differences in priorities. Male respondents were more likely to desire a sturdier battery, while females placed water resistance higher than their male counterparts. The pain of finding a crack in your screen is apparently felt almost equally by both men and women with the second most desired feature being a shatter proof screen, selected by 21 percent of females and 20 percent of males.
This chart shows the results of a survey on the most wanted features of a smartphone.