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First came the robots, now comes data and analytics. What's next for manufacturing?

In this free educational webinar, we examine: The role IoT, predictive analytics and AI will play in the end-to-end manufacturing process and how this may today's impact human driven processes. A.I. advances that have been developed for manufacturing using the Salesforce Einstein platform.

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A Free, Educational Webinar: Thursday, September 14, 2017 • 2:00 p.m. ET

Every advance in Manufacturing is about being "faster, better, and cheaper."  This was true of the invention of the steam engine, the widespread use of machines, and the introduction of robots, each of which defined new frontiers in manufacturing efficiency.  Today, the new efficient frontier is being created by digital data and advanced analytical techniques, including artificial intelligence (AI). 

In the webinar, we examine:

  • The role IoT, predictive analytics and AI will play in the end-to-end manufacturing process and how this may today's impact human driven processes.
  • A.I. advances that have been developed for manufacturing using the Salesforce Einstein platform.