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Statistics Don't Lie

Minitab (State College, PA) recently released Minitab 16 statistical software, the latest version of its product used for quality improvement and statistical education. The most prominent of its new features in the Assistant, a menu-based tool designed to guide users through their analyses and help them interpret their results with confidence.

Minitab (State College, PA) recently released Minitab 16 statistical software, the latest version of its product used for quality improvement and statistical education. The most prominent of its new features in the Assistant, a menu-based tool designed to guide users through their analyses and help them interpret their results with confidence. Other enhancements in Minitab 16 include:

  • Nonlinear regression
  • Split-plot designs
  • More power and sample-size tools
  • Tolerance intervals
  • New reporting features
  • New tutorials and datasets

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