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Practical Analysis: The Cloud View From The Trenches

Much of the discussion of cloud computing and data center architectures tends to miss the mark for customers that aren't large enterprises.

InformationWeek Green - May 10, 2010 InformationWeek Green
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Art Wittmann I recently had the chance to moderate a panel discussion in Indianapolis among Cisco, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, and VMware. While there's nothing wrong with spending a day in Indianapolis, and the vendor list is solid, the reason I went was to hear from the audience. The attendees were IT pros from small and midsize businesses, local governments, healthcare providers, and primary, secondary, and higher schools. In many ways, these IT organizations have some unique challenges, but because we tend to focus on large enterprises or generically on SMBs, their concerns sometimes get short shrift in the press.

