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Treasury Secretary Lew to Hold Press Conference on Stopping ISIS Cash; New Star Wars Movie Premier Tonight; Friend of San Bernardino Killers



Cash; New Star Wars Movie Premier Tonight; Friend of San Bernardino Killers

in Custody, Charges Expected; Hillary Clinton Announces She Plans to Tax

the Rich; Social Media Executives Taking Political Heat; Apple to Reshuffle

Management Team; Study Indicates Cancer Caused More by Lifestyle than

Genetics - Part 2>

Marc Siegel, Scottie Nell Hughes, David Talbot, John Traynor, Matthew


Industry; Medicare and Medicaid; Health and Medicine; ISIS; Terrorism;

Banking; Energy; Entertainment; Guns; Accidents; Politics; Taxes; Policies;

Drugs; Lawsuits>

TRUMP: ISIS is recruiting through the internet. ISIS is using the internet better than we are using the internet. We should be using our brilliant people, our most brilliant minds to figure a way that ISIS cannot use the internet, and then on 2nd, we should penetrate the internet and find out exactly where ISIS is.



TRUMP: ISIS is recruiting through the internet. ISIS is using the internet better than we are using the internet. We should be using our brilliant people, our most brilliant minds to figure a way that ISIS cannot use the internet, and then on 2nd, we should be able to penetrate the internet and find out exactly where ISIS is.

HILLARY CLINTON, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Technology is often called the great disruptor, and it has been. We need to put the great disruptors to work in disrupting ISIS and stopping them from having this open platform for communicating.


BOLTON: Social media executives are taking the heat from politicians. There is a lot of criticism as you just heard, the smartest people in the room are not doing anything to stop terrorists from using their platforms to communicate. Twitter and Facebook argued they do ban certain types of content. My next guest says they could be doing more. MIT Tech Review Editor David Talbot is with me now. David, thank you for being here, how and why do you see Silicon Valley able to be stronger in the fight against terror, because their defense and general is there only creating the tools not the use cases?

DAVID TALBOT, MIT TECH REVIEW EDITOR: Well, I think it is important to look at the precedents of the big companies are made. For example, Google, in the case of revenge porn, if that's reported to Google, then Google will actually not let revenge porn images surface on searches. That raises the question that perhaps they could do the same if somebody reports that there is an image of somebody getting murdered, which is what some of these ISIS videos contain...

BOLTON: So David, I want to stop you there because that's a great point. You are saying there are visual identifiers. And again, just purely from a tech standpoint that allow people and machines to do visual, physical identification if they can be used to stop trafficking.

TALBOT: There are but what I'm referring to is more that the company has been notified by somebody that there is an image that they would like to be blocked. You are correct, but I am referring to notification schemes, where is somebody notifies Google that you know this is a revenge porn and I am being victimized by this image surfacing in search, Google will take a look at that and not allow the image to be surfaced and searched, even though it is not technically banned content and it doesn't violate the first amendment. So if they do that, it raises the question could they do the same someone says there is an image of someone being executed and murdered out in the battlefield, and this is an appropriate and they could conceivably do the same thing.

One might argue that person has been victimized by having their image spread over the internet and widely available. On the Facebook side, and as you point out earlier, they do scrub the newsfeeds of some of the more horrific images, but Facebook has a system where someone seems like they are posting suicidal messages, Facebook will actually send a note to that person, resources, and whoever report of the comments were good advice on how to help that person. If there trying to stop people from being suicidal they can conceivably stop someone going down the path of becoming radicalized.


BOLTON: Your point is well taken, and I know that Facebook received a lot of kudos for being an outreach company.

TALBOT: Correct. So the question is could that be extended to some of these other applications? You've isolated youth might go down the path of becoming radicalized and what we want to reach out to those youth in the same way we do to someone who is showing signs of being suicidal? That is something that would be worth discussing. It is certainly conceivable. There has been research on how to bring people back from the brink and help them get resources that they need to stop them down the path of becoming radicalized and potentially doing something harmful to themselves and others.

BOLTON: David, we are glad to have your report card, at least on Facebook, on Google. We're going to be talking about this a lot. I look forward to speaking to you again soon, David Talbot, joining me there from MIT Tech Review.

Well, the most widely held stock in the U.S. is dropping. Is it a moment to buy? We're going to tell you what is behind the management shuffle at Apple. My next guest has an opinion. He says a less than stellar product announcement is part of the move. He'll tell us why. Also, speaking of consumer issues, national gas average now around $2 a gallon, we're going to be talking about where prices could go.


BOLTON: Apple is reshuffling its management team, longtime employee Jeff Williams will be the new COO. The last COO is Tim Cook, the current CEO. Take a look at the stock's response today. You will see it lower -- and by the way, year to date, Apple stock is down by about one half percent. Our market panel is here, John Traynor, Matthew Carbray, so John, time to buy Apple on the lower price or not?

JOHN TRAYNOR, PEOPLE'S UNITED WEALTH MANAGEMENT: Absolutely. We think Apple is a very good buy. The stock is down because of lowered expectation on sales, but Apple dominates the Smartphone business, they gobble up almost the entire profitability of the industry. So we think Apple is poised to have a very good next 12 months. The market is giving you a buying opportunity.

BOLTON: Ok, John, we're going to take your point. Matt, I want to ask you though because John alluded to it -- some analysts are saying that Apple will not sell nearly as many iPhone's next year is expected. Does that change your view on whether or not someone who gets $1,000 for Christmas, should that person go by Apple stock?

MATTHEW CARBRAY, FINANCIAL PARTNERS: I think the one that Apple is struggling with is the fact that their products have not innovated enough. There is not enough that has gone from the six to this access. As much as I like Apple as a company, they sit on a ton of cash and other major innovator in the industry, I struggle with the fact that they are not doing enough to push the needle.

BOLTON: John, I want to shift gears away from technology and look at energy. As far as energy prices go, gasoline is great for consumers on a daily basis, $2 a gallon and seems like the U.S. may begin to export oil for the 1st time in 40 years. What does this mean for energy stocks?

TRAYNOR: Consumers are getting a nice present at the holiday time period right now. We have been advising clients over the next year we have a nice opportunity to fill up our gas tank, but we believe in the 2nd half of next year you could see prices move up. The debacle in the high-yield market is closing off an avenue that a lot of frackers have had to raise capitol cheaply. You will seek production continue to decline. The debacle in the high-yield market will slow production in the U.S. So we think that you could see prices drift up back to the 50, 55, certainly not to 100 but over the next 12 months back to 50, 55.

BOLTON: So John, what does that mean for buying energy stocks?

TRAYNOR: We have a market waiting. Our picks have actually done fairly well. We have aired on the side of the refiners but we had a good conversation with our energy analysts earlier this week, and we decided now is not the time to buy. We think we will see better buying opportunities 1st quarter of next year. But we are poised to add to positions, not subtract.

BOLTON: Matt, energy stocks -- yes or no?

CARBRAY: Yeah, I absolutely think energy stocks are in a great place right now. And I think if you look at some of the sectors of the energy space, especially the pipeline operators, they have been hit hard and unjustly. It is a good opportunity has a special sub-sector of the energy space. And I do agree that energy prices are going to come above this resistance level right now. My target would be $55-$60 a barrel by the end of next year. So I think it is an opportune time to take advantage of some very, very depressed names.

BOLTON: All right, Matthew Carbray, John Traynor, thank you both. Glad to have you here.

When we come back, there is a new study that shows cancer is more likely the fault of a patient's lifestyle and poor environment versus bad DNA. Dr. Marc Siegel is my guest next with his best advice on how to have a healthy 2016.


BOLTON: A new study indicates cancer is more likely to be caused by a patient's lifestyle as opposed to bad DNA. So Stony Brook University researchers says 9 out of 10 cancers are caused by factors such as smoking, drinking, sun exposure, and air pollution. USA Radio Network's Chief Political Correspondent Scottie Nell Hughes with us from D.C., Fox News Medical A-Team Dr. Marc Siegel right here with me in New York. So first and foremost, Doc, is this true that 9 out of 10 cancers, does that sound right to you?

MARC SIEGEL: It's somewhere between 7 out of 10 and 9 out of 10. But I actually agree with this, and it's a reversal, Deirdre, of the previous study done at the beginning of the year at Hopkins where they said its all mutations, it's all genetics...

BOLTON: Meaning there is nothing you can do about it.

SIEGEL: Right. We all have this DNA material but mistakes start to occur, and when mistakes start to occur that's where cancer comes from. Mistakes in genetics, but this study is saying but those mistakes are occurring because of lousy things in your environment, too much alcohol you're drinking, too many cigarettes you're smoking, air pollution like in China - - we've been talking about that -- or as you showed at the beginning those hotdogs which I love -- given you nitrates that end up causing the mutations in your dike. So things prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer comes from sunlight. I'm buying this. It's the things we do to ourselves that makes those mutations more like to happen.

BOLTON: And you're the doctor not me, but what I read is that all cancers start with inflammation. So anything that causes inflammation in your -- starts...

SIEGEL: It's a form of information in the body, you're so right. Now we have to be inclined to get it, that's where genetics come in. So if your parents have a problem, you may get the problem, but it's that inflammation that causes those changes that leads to the cancer.

BOLTON: So speaking of changes, Scottie, we spoke about there salt warning. You know in New York City you couldn't buy sodas for a while. Are you worried about the food police?

SCOTTIE NELL HUGHES, USA RADIO NETWORK: I'm worried more about more than just the food police because Uncle Sam has become Dr. Sam. Make no mistake that this is not only -- Uncle Sam is not about keeping you on Earth for your own good, it's not about keeping the green backs, consider back in 2012, $87 billion was spent on cancer treatments alone. Now at 11 or more cancer treatments cost $100,000 thousand, that's money that Uncle Same would rather use to buy his shoes then your coffin.

BOLTON: All right, well said Scottie.

SIEGEL: I'm worried that suddenly states come in and say can't have that hotdog because it can cause cancer.

BOLTON: Although I read somewhere that Americans are at risk as a nation - - 20 percent rate of diabetes which does beg the question of who pays for all this care, especially in a system where not everybody can afford it.

SIEGEL: The taxpayer and Obamacare.


BOLTON: Scottie Nell Hughes, Marc Siegel, great to have you here. Well, thank you very much. Thanks for joining us here on Risk and Reward. Making Money is starting soon, Liz McDonald is here. Keep it right here.


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