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Lift Divider System

These dividers can help save money, organize, save space and get the most out of each system.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"156607","attributes":{"alt":"Lift Divider System","class":"media-image","height":"232","style":"float: right; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; border: 2px solid black;","title":"Lift Divider System","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"320"}}]]Flexcon (Berkeley Heights, NJ) has announced the release of its new vertical lift divider system. These dividers can help save money, organize, save space and get the most out of each system. Features include:

  • No sharp edges.
  • Lengths up to 160 inches, widths up to 48 inches, and heights from 2 to 20 inches.
  • Standard and custom colors are available.
  • There is no extra charge for custom configurations.
  • Accessories includes bottom pads, foam pads, and bin cup inserts.

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