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Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence App

The Factory Talk VantagePoint Mobile App allows users to view key performance indicators (KPIs), such as energy usage, operational equipment effectiveness (OEE) or mean time between failure/to repair (MTBF/MTTR).

The Factory Talk VantagePoint Mobile App is made to work natively for Windows 8.1. The app is available in the Windows Store. This app allows users to access Factory Talk VantagePoint centralized reporting and analytics from the Factory Talk software suite. Within the app, users can view key performance indicators (KPIs), such as energy usage, operational equipment effectiveness (OEE) or mean time between failure/to repair (MTBF/MTTR). By touching the KPI gauge or chart, users can diver deeper into the portal for full, detailed reports and trends driving those metrics. Users can also pin a KPI to a live tile so the metric is always visible from the Windows 8.1 start screen. Users can send KPI information to coworkers by swiping to bring up the Windows share charm.

Rockwell Automation Inc.,