Reliable Performance in High Temperatures

CRANE ChemPharma Flow Solutions™ now offers the new Saunders® EX Endurance Diaphragm, which is designed as a niche market solution for critical Life Science applications.

CRANE ChemPharma Flow Solutions™ now offers the new Saunders® EX Endurance Diaphragm, which is designed as a niche market solution for critical Life Science applications that require reliable high-temperature performance for extended periods of time. According to the company, the diaphragm features:

  • Suitability for distribution and supply, sterile barrier and block-and-bleed applications.
  • A design that benefits users through its extended life at Steam Sterilization Temperatures, and
    reduces the requirement to re-tighten fasteners after installation.
  • The Saunders® EX’s advanced “Seal-to-Atmosphere” qualities reduce the risk of leakage into the atmosphere during long-term steam service.


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