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Collaborate Over Any Distance With Video

Librestream has developed a mobile collaboration system called Onsight, which allows companies to take video collaboration beyond traditional boardroom or conference room applications onto the plant floor.

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  • The wireless device, including the Onsight 1000, Onsight 2000, and Onsight 2000EX models.
  • Onsight Expert, a desktop collaboration software that runs on the computer of the subject matter expert.
  • Onsight Management Suite software to provide system administators with centralized management tools for their Onsight system.
The company says that by sharing visual content, experts can provide plant floor personnel or field technicians with visual instructions rather than verbal ones, which makes troubleshooting production issues easier. The Onsight system can also be used virtually anywhere, as it connects with wireless, satellite, and cellular networks. Some other benefits include:
  • Data encryption, to ensure security on video and audio signals.
  • A 1cm macro zoon and a 10X optical zoom to get visuals in difficult environments.
  • A built-in speakerphone and microphone, bi-directional video recording, and still image capture.
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