Detroit Manufacturing Systems Donates Backpacks to Detroit Area Children

Students were given sturdy backpacks that included a kit of necessary school supplies.

Detroit Manufacturing Systems

Team members from Detroit Manufacturing Systems (DMS), a contract manufacturing and assembly company based in Detroit, Michigan, donated 300 filled backpacks for students who utilize the services of The Children’s Center, a local organization in Detroit, that helps children overcome challenges.

The Children’s Center provides licensed psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists to work with over 3,500 children annually who struggle with mental, behavioral, educational and physical challenges or who may have experienced trauma. They use integrated evidence-based care that helps children overcome their challenges; they examine the barriers these children have at home, in school or in the community; they empower the children to use their voices and self-advocate once they are outside the comfort of the center’s walls.

This year marks the seventh annual Back-to-School Bazaar hosted by The Children’s Center in Detroit. This year, The Children’s Center goal is to receive 1,500 filled backpacks for children in their program. 

Students will be given sturdy backpacks that will each include a kit of necessary school supplies geared towards their school group: elementary, secondary and high school. Students who are part of The Children’s Center will be able to pick up their free backpack in mid-August, prior to the start of school.

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