Madison, Wis. (Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council) — Jack Link’s Beef Jerky has been recognized as a 2014 Green Master in the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council’s Green Masters Program. As a Green Master, Jack Link’s joins a select group of companies scoring in the top 20% of the program. Each of these companies was introduced at the 7th Annual Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council Conference held December 3, 2014.
Jack Link’s is the number one U.S. meat snack brand, and the fastest-growing meat snack manufacturer in the world. They offer more than 100 products at retail outlets in more than 40 countries. They joined the Green Masters Program last year, and in a year, worked their way up to the Green Master level.
“At Jack Link’s, we strive to be environmental and social sustainability leaders,” said Thomas Myers, manager of corporate sustainability at Jack Link’s. “To do this, we build strong partnerships with other industry leaders. The partnership we have with the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council and the Green Masters Program has provided us with a knowledgeable network that enables us to achieve our goals.”
In 2013, Jack Link’s Minong, (WI) facility funded the construction of a 13-mile gas pipeline from Trego to their facility in Minong. This brought more reliable, affordable, and cleaner energy to the area, while reducing their carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions significantly. In addition, their facility in New Glarus achieved zero waste to landfill status in 2013 and 2014, contributing to their overall domestic manufacturing zero waste to landfill achievement.
Looking forward, after doing energy assessments in 2014, both Wisconsin facilities in Minong and New Glarus will receive high efficiency HVAC upgrades in the coming year. This will reduce humidity, balance airflow, utilize free cooling from outside air, and greatly improve the energy efficiency and air quality in their manufacturing plants.
“Wisconsin should be proud of the accomplishments of Jack Link’s,” said Tom Eggert, Executive Director of the WI Sustainable Business Council. “Jack Link’s has made incredible steps towards reducing their carbon footprint, and we are delighted to welcome them into our network of WI businesses, all striving for sustainability with a triple bottom line perspective.”
Applicants to the Green Masters Program are judged on a comprehensive range of sustainability actions, from energy to water to educational outreach. More than 175 Wisconsin businesses are participating in the program where the top twenty percent achieve the highest “Green Master” designation.