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Daily Sound Bite: Pa. Beer, Wine Privatization Bill Gets Mixed Response

A bill to privatize the sale of beer and wine has passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives but is making some breweries and beer sellers nervous. The State Senate will likely ammend the bill and plans to hold hearings on the bill, which has been criticized by some lawmakers.

A bill to privatize the sale of beer and wine has passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives but is making some breweries and beer sellers nervous. The State Senate will likely ammend the bill and plans to hold hearings on the bill, which has been criticized by some lawmakers. Sen. Charles McIlhinney (R-Bucks) said in a statement,

"Privatization for political reasons — simply to tout the achievement — would be wrong. Privatization done the smart way to protect taxpayers, help consumers, and actually lift up Pennsylvania's small wineries, brewers, distillers, mom-and-pop distributors and small businesses is what I support."

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