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Daily Sound Bite: Meat by Any Other Name...

The American meat industry is considering revamping the names it uses to differentiate between various cuts of pork, beef, lamb and veal. The current system, known as the Uniform Retail Meat Identification Standards, is better designed to meet the needs of retailers than consumers.

The American meat industry is considering revamping the names it uses to differentiate between various cuts of pork, beef, lamb and veal. The current system, known as the Uniform Retail Meat Identification Standards, is better designed to meet the needs of retailers than consumers. Patrick Fleming, director of retail marketing for the Pork Board, said,

"The problem is consumers didn't really understand the names that were being used, and still don't. The names confused consumers to the point where they'd go, 'You know, the information doesn't help me know how to use it, so I'm going to stop using it.' That was a wake-up call for both the beef industry and pork industry."

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