Company Linked To Illness Expands Peanut Recall

A New Mexico food company that produced the peanut butter linked to an outbreak of salmonella poisoning has expanded an ongoing recall of its products to include raw and roasted peanuts. The FDA said Saturday that Sunland Inc. added raw and roasted shelled and in-shell peanuts sold in quantities from two ounces to 50 pounds to its recall.

WASHINTONG (AP) -- A New Mexico food company that produced the peanut butter linked to an outbreak of salmonella poisoning has expanded an ongoing recall of its products to include raw and roasted peanuts.

The federal Food and Drug Administration said Saturday that Sunland Inc. added raw and roasted shelled and in-shell peanuts sold in quantities from two ounces to 50 pounds to its recall. FDA inspectors have found salmonella in raw peanuts from the Sunland processing plant.

Sunland manufactured the peanut butter sold by Trader Joe's that's been linked to 35 salmonella illnesses across 19 states. Sunland has recalled everything made in its contaminated plant since March 2010.

Salmonella causes diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps. Children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are most at risk.



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