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NAM: Gov't Regs Have Hurt Economic Growth

From the EPA's push to regulate greenhouse gases to the Boiler MACT rule, NAM says overregulation is hurting job creation and economic growth.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Senior Vice President for Government Relations and Policy Aric Newhouse issued the following statement today regarding President Obama’s executive order to review federal regulations harming economic growth:

“Manufacturers appreciate President Obama‘s call for a government-wide review of regulations and rules.  Manufacturers have been saying for some time that overregulation is harming job creation and stifling economic growth.

This is an opportunity for the President to demonstrate results by eliminating unnecessary regulations already in the pipeline or delaying poorly thought-out proposals that are costing jobs. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposals -- from regulating greenhouse gases to the Boiler MACT rule -- are a real threat to America’s job creators. We stand ready to assist in the President’s efforts to address an escalating problem and meaningfully reduce unnecessary burdens on manufacturers in America so they can get back to creating jobs.”

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