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Cool Runnings

In the well-known children’s story The Three Bears, Goldilocks moves from bed to bed and from one bowl of porridge to another until she finds one that is “just right”. Aptly named “The Goldilocks Principle” this quest for finding products, services or a business partner that hinges on the relationship being “just right” can certainly be applied when choosing a pharmaceutical contract manufacturer.

In the well-known children’s story The Three Bears, Goldilocks moves from bed to bed and from one bowl of porridge to another until she finds one that is “just right”. Aptly named “The Goldilocks Principle” this quest for finding products, services or a business partner that hinges on the relationship being “just right” can certainly be applied when choosing a pharmaceutical contract manufacturer.

If you find a company that offers the experienced professionals, systems and capacities needed to effectively and efficiently handle your project – you know you’ve found the right partner.
Such is the case of LSNE; a contract manufacturer based in Bedford, NH that offers formulation and cycle development, GMP fill/finish and lyophilization services at a scale that has proven very successful for the company and its clients.





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