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Texas Instruments Cutting 191 Jobs

Semiconductor maker plans to lay off workers whose manufacturing jobs in Dallas are being eliminated and who couldn't find other positions at the company.

DALLAS (AP) — Texas Instruments Inc. plans to lay off 191 workers whose manufacturing jobs in Dallas are being eliminated and who couldn't find other positions at the semiconductor company.
The layoffs will begin in early November and be spaced out until the end of January, the company said in a letter released Monday by the Texas Workforce Commission.
Texas Instruments had announced in January that it planned to end production at its KFAB manufacturing plant by the end of this year. The employees, mostly technicians and engineers, were allowed to bid for open positions in the company, but as of Friday, 191 who had not found new jobs will be released, the company said.
The workers will be put on paid leave for 60 days after their release, the company said.
Dallas-based Texas Instruments also is finishing the last of 233 layoffs from two other facilities in Dallas by year end.