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New Automation Lends a Hand to U.S. Clothing Manufacturers

Made-in-America may be a label consumers could start seeing on their clothes once again thanks to a company called SoftWear Automation and Georgia Tech.

Made-in-America may be a label consumers could start seeing on their clothes once again thanks to a company called SoftWear Automation and Georgia Tech. SoftWear and Georgia Tech are working together to create robots that are able to manufacture and manipulate fabrics through conventional sewing machines with the same precision as a human. By doing so, they could create an environment where many clothing manufacturers could begin to transition their production back to the United States. 

“It is definitely going to make it competitive with manufacturing overseas,” said Georgia Tech professor Sundaresan Jayaraman.

This new technology will help not only in terms of bringing production back to the United States, but it will also help clothing manufacturers with total costs. For example with the advent of this new automation international shipping costs and down time as a result could be eliminated.

The project has been receiving significant interest from clothing manufacturers and has also received funding from Walmart and the U.S. military.

For more information, check out the video below