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Popcorn Tweets

Popcorn Tweets! The Twitter-powered popcorn machine ** Tech Doc Here: ** By Dave Britt (@_clevermonkey_) and Justin Goeres (@JustinGoeres) A custom LabVIEW program polls Twitter for any mention of #popcorn, and for each Tweet, activates a LEGO Mindstorms NXT...


Popcorn Tweets! The Twitter-powered popcorn machine ** Tech Doc Here: ** By Dave Britt (@_clevermonkey_) and Justin Goeres (@JustinGoeres) A custom LabVIEW program polls Twitter for any mention of #popcorn, and for each Tweet, activates a LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot to power some Rube Goldberg sort of contraption that makes popcorn one Tweet at a time. We made this for Fireworks Popcorn's Creative Pop 2010! Contest. [edit: WE WON!] Fireworks Popcorn is

