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Food Waste Software

Normandy 2.0: Hello automation. Goodbye manual food waste tracking. This food waste software is designed to simplify your green waste management plan.

Normandy 2.0: Hello automation. Goodbye manual food waste tracking. This food waste software is designed to simplify your green waste management plan.

The goal of the Normandy 2.0 is to actually add value to the food waste processing industry with streamlined, user-friendly waste tracking software. Best of all, it is completely client-driven, based upon years of client input and completely unique performance indicators.

Supervisors on the floor to managers at the corporate level receive unlimited, live access to identify waste streams by type, line and shift. With the ability to view live performance data, the workforce is empowered to communicate where a facility processes the most food waste. Using Normandy 2.0 software, the facility can establish food waste reduction goals and focus on effectively allocating time and resources.

In a recent case study at Normandy WMS, a client producing 175 tons of food waste/month identified the type, line, and shift of the key wasted ingredients, monitoring long-term trends and building target “waste goals” to measure progress. Using the Normandy 2.0 weight-to-cost tool (pinpointing the actual value of the waste stream), the client realized $64,000/month on wasted ingredients or an equivalent of $248,000 in lost sales/month.

In the food manufacturing industry, a daunting requirement (and cost) to clients is the logistical nightmare of quickly removing waste streams to mitigate a bottleneck in operations. The Normandy 2.0 “Total Container Weight” gauge and “2-Step Hauler Alert” feature monitors the weight of the client’s waste, sending the client/and or hauler an email/text trigger notification at 85% and 100% full to allow for timely dispatch. A client can track long-term waste disposal servicing, ensure more efficient operations and avoid paying unnecessary trip or fuel surcharges.

Normandy Waste Management Systems 

