Polyethylene Tanks and Containers

TANKS: Assmann Corporation has a full line of corrosion and chemical resistant tanks and containers. Constructed from virgin high-density crosslink or FDA-compliant linear polyethylene, the tanks and containers are used to store and transport corrosive and hazardous materials.


Assmann Corporation has a full line of corrosion and chemical resistant tanks and containers.  Constructed from virgin high-density crosslink or FDA-compliant linear polyethylene, the tanks and containers are used to store and transport corrosive and hazardous materials.

  • Provide low temperature impact resistance
  • U.V. stabilized
  • Available in wide range of capacities and colors
  • Custom rotational molding, accessory fittings and custom colors are available
  • NSF Certification for its linear polyethylene tanks to NSF/ANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects
  • Certification is for multiple potable water contact materials up to 140°F
  • High-density crosslink resin tanks also have NSF 61 Certification and are certified for chemical storage and are suitable for a variety of chemicals
  • NSF Certified tanks include all models of vertical storage, cylindrical horizontal, free-standing horizontal leg, double wall, open top, industrial mini bulk and industrial mini drum tanks and models ICB and OTCB conical bottom storage tanks