Proven Odor Control Technology

BioAir’s full-scale biotrickling filter can remove hydrogen sulfide and other organic odorous compounds from wastewater treatment airstreams.

BioAir’s full-scale biotrickling filterBioAir’s full-scale biotrickling filter can effectively remove hydrogen sulfide and other organic odorous compounds from wastewater treatment airstreams, under very high volumetric loading rates in very short residence times. The process was recently validated by a research and development project conducted by BioAir Solutions and JEA, a Florida-based municipal utility. The filter:

  • Utilizes the company’s proprietary EcoBase structured synthetic media.
  • Can treat the same amount of air as competing technologies, in a unit one-third the size and in one-third the residence time (less than 3 seconds).
  • Removes more than 98 percent of all odors, including more than 99.9 percent removal of hydrogen sulfide odors without the use of chemicals or carbon adsorbents.
  • Pprovides uniform air flow distribution, optimized mass transfer of odor compounds and a controlled microenvironment enabling the growth and proliferation of specific odor removing bacterial species.
