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Photo of the Day: Guns Manufactured on the Steps of Texas Capitol

See the photo of one gun advocacy group's unique form of demonstration in IMPO's Photo of the Day.

Yesterday when the Texas State Legislature convened in the Austin state capitol they were greeted with a very unique form of demonstration — Advocates of open carry were manufacturing ‘ghost guns’ in front of the capital to celebrate three proposed open carry bills.

The bill HB 195 was the main cause for celebration however; this bill if passed would allow the open carry of handguns without permits, a right that is currently denied to gun owners in Texas.

Come and Take it Texas, the group rallying on the capitol steps, purchased the Ghost Cutter CNC machine — a 3D printer designed to manufacture guns — and could be seen manufacturing guns and rallying for their rights to carry guns openly.

The photo displays one of the demonstrator using the Ghost Cutter CNC to manufacture a lower receiver for an AR-15 gun at the rally near the state capitol. The demonstrator acknowledged that this homemade gun would lack a serial number, making it illegal to buy or sell in most states. 

Photo source: The Associated Press