Bipartisan Resolution Promotes The Internet Of Things

Why the Senate’s support for IoT is great news for manufacturers.

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The Internet of Things movement garnered the nation’s attention yesterday when U.S. Senators Deb Fischer, Cory Booker, Kelly Ayotte and Brian Schatz introduced a resolution to prioritize IoT development.

Senator Fischer released a statement asserting that the resolution “would commit our nation to a national strategy incentivizing the use of new technologies to maximize consumer opportunity and to facilitate economic growth.”

The Senators behind the resolution also initiated a Senate Commerce Committee hearing last month entitled “The Connected World: Examining the Internet of Things” to address the changing technological landscape. 

Here are three reasons why I am interested in this bipartisan support of IoT:

  • The resolution argues for IoT’s benefits to the community and calls for the U.S. to “commit to improving the quality of life for future generations by developing safe, new technologies aimed at tackling the most challenging societal issues facing the world.” IoT isn’t written off as a fad, but rather underscored as a tool for cutting waste, fraud and abuse.


  • The Senate highlights the amazing innovations happening inside manufacturing facilities by emphasizing the importance of IoT. Although the term “Internet of Things” refers to a massive movement happening across many fields, Kepware CEO Tony Paine pointed out in an exclusive interview that “IoT at a much smaller scale has been around within manufacturing for some time, just maybe under different names.”


  • The resolution elevates the voices of the people who work closely with IoT by asking for the U.S. to “recognize the importance of consensus-based best practices, with an understanding that businesses can play an important role in the future development of the Internet of Things.”

What do you find exciting about the Senate’s support of the Internet of Things movement? Comment below or tweet @MNetBridget.
