The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) finally votes on its controversial proposal to reclassify the Internet as a utility. If passed, Internet services providers (ISPs) will not be allowed to discriminate Internet traffic by blocking access to legal content, throttling speeds or favoring traffic by means of paid prioritization, among other rules.
The proposed rules attempt to erase any legal uncertainty by reclassifying the Internet as a telecommunications service and regulating it under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act. The plan would apply to both wired and wireless services provided by companies like Comcast and T-Mobile.
A challenge by Verizon to rules implemented back in 2010 by the FCC ended with a U.S. Court of Appeals ruling in January 2014 that the FCC did not have regulatory power over broadband to issue those rules. The court did say that by reclassifying broadband the FCC would then have broad regulatory powers — which is what today’s vote is all about.
Take a look at what’s at stake in the FCC ruling:
Do you think reclassifying broadband will lead to an even playing field for businesses and consumers? Will it hinder investments in infrastructure? Should providers control Internet traffic? Tell us what you think by leaving your comments below.
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