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Mom Bloggers Demystify Twitter Parties

A Twitter Party is a live chat that takes place on Twitter. It generally lasts one hour and is a fun, fast and cost effective way to generate excitement about your brand. For example, to celebrate Grilled Cheese Day, Kraft sponsored a Twitter Party with the hashtag search feature #KraftGrilledCheese.

A Twitter Party is a live chat that takes place on Twitter. It generally lasts one hour and is a fun, fast and cost effective way to generate excitement about your brand.

Every Twitter Party is assigned the hashtag (#) search feature to connect participants to the conversation and track the impact of the event.

For example, to celebrate Grilled Cheese Day, Kraft sponsored a Twitter Party with the hashtag search feature #KraftGrilledCheese. For a Twitter Party to promote a variety of ways to enjoy tea, Lipton Tea used #TEArifficMeals. The National Onion Association used #OnionsOutdoors to showcase recipes prepared with onions while on a day hike or for a camp-side meal.

Mom Bloggers often host Twitter Parties that attract thousands of participants. The Mom Bloggers have many responsibilities, chief among them is writing a script, that is, a series of Tweets about the brand and its products to educate and engage participants.

A representative from the brand is encouraged to participate. It can be an executive, company founder, or celebrity spokesperson.

To keep the party lively, participants compete for prizes, be they products, coupons or gift cards.

“A Twitter Party is an hour-long commercial that doesn’t feel like a commercial,” said Keri Lyn Renner, Mom Blogger and owner of She Saved. “The appeal is that Twitter Parties provide the perfect platform for people to express what brands mean to them.”

Twitter Parties also provide participants the opportunity to talk directly to the brand.

“When people genuinely connect to a brand, they feel better about bringing it into their homes,” said Lindsay Frank, Mom Blogger and owner of See Mom Click.

Thinking of having a Twitter Party? Here are eight tips to get you started.

1. Pick the Hostess with the Mostess

“Get experienced Mom Bloggers that fit your brand to host your Twitter Parties,” advises Kim Seghers, Mom Blogger and owner of This Ole Mom. “It’s essential that the hosts are organized, coolheaded and adept at keeping the momentum and excitement flowing from start to finish.”

2. Plan the Party around an event or theme

Is your brand celebrating an anniversary or launching a new product? Is there a holiday or fun event – even one you’ve made up like “Hot Buttered Beans Day.” Check out Foodimentary for a listing of national food celebrations.

3. Pick a day and time that’s right for your target audience  

There’s no agreement among Mom Bloggers on the ideal day or time to host Twitter Parties. “I don't think that there is a perfect time or day, since people live in different time zones and have different schedules,” said Elizabeth “Libby” Neas, Mom Blogger and owner of Libby’s Library. Sherryl Wilson, Mom Blogger and owner of Simply Sherryl offered this advice, “If you’re looking for young mothers wait until after children’s bedtime; stay-at-home moms love mid afternoon just before school pickup and during toddler nap time, and singles and tech followers tend to be night owls.”

4. Select a descriptive hashtag

“Your hashtag should be memorable and unique,” advises Ms. Frank. “It brands your party, so do not use one that’s already in circulation. Do a Twitter search or check to make sure your hashtag is yours alone.” You can also register your hashtag to protect and promote your brand.

5. Don’t Be a Party Pooper!

Make sure a brand representative or spokesperson participates. “Every once in a while a brand chooses not to participate in the party, but they are missing out!” exclaimed Amanda Faulkner, Mom Blogger and owner of It’s a Fabulous Life. “It makes the partygoers feel special to have a brand they love comment on or re-tweet something they say.” And, according to Erica Chao, Mom Blogger and owner of Mama’s Mission, “Use the Twitter Party to your advantage. Get to know your customers and get ideas for future promotions, special offerings, and new products.”

6. Provide great Party Favors

Reward your party participants with the opportunity to win great swag. A good rule of thumb is to award at least four prizes – with a minimum retail value of $50 – every 10-12 minutes and a grand prize – with a minimum retail value of $100 – within the last two minutes of the Party. Of course, the more valuable the prizes, the more party goers will attend.

7. Promote, Promote and Promote Some More

Mom Bloggers promote their Twitter Parties at least seven days in advance on all social media platforms and send out reminders to their followers via their newsletters. Some Mom Bloggers also list them on Twitter Party calendar sites. You can also chime in by promoting your Twitter Parties on your corporate website and social accounts.

8. Measure the Results

Mom Blogger hosts track the results of Twitter Parties. They’ll provide you with a comprehensive report with stats on impressions, numbers of tweets, trending positions and other useful data. You’ll need to see how much traffic the Party drove to your website, determine if your goals were met, and what enhancements you’ll want for your next Twitter Party.

Wendy Hirschhorn is CEO of Wendy’s Bloggers, a bridge for brands to create valuable relationships with Mommy Bloggers and their followers. For help with your Twitter Party, contact Wendy at 212-826-8790 or [email protected].