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Controversial Weed Killer Showing up in Popular Breakfast Foods

Recent analysis has revealed the presence of glyphosate in a wide range of breakfast foods.

Recent analysis has revealed the presence of glyphosate in a wide range of breakfast foods.

Conducted by the Alliance For Natural Health-USA, the research found that 11 of 24 products tested positive for the chemical, which is the most widely used agricultural herbicide in the world. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay testing, glyphosate was found in organic eggs, bagels, oatmeal, potatoes and non-GMO soy coffee creamer.

The study’s authors believe that the presence of glyphosate in dairy and eggs shows that the chemical is being passed on from animals who ingest it through their feed. It could also mean that the chemical is bioaccumulating in animal and perhaps human tissue.

The authors noted that the levels of glyphosate in organic eggs were at levels higher than allowable tolerence levels set by the EPA. The bulk of the other products tested, however, contained an amount less than daily allowable tolerance level. The EPA's daily allowable tolerance level, however, remains disputed by some who argue that the chemical could be an endocrine disrupter, which would affect the body differently at the various stages of human development.

Last March, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as a possible human carcinogen, particularly its use in industrial agriculture — a finding that kicked off a firestorm of debate and concern about exposure to the chemical.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, and in agriculture is often paired with crops grown from seeds that are genetically modified to withstand the chemical.

Monsanto has criticized the IARC decision and pointed to other studies that showed that glyphosate levels on food are well below EPA limits.

A few months ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that it will begin testing glyphosate levels on food later this year.