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Time for the Tax Man to Pay You

Like most manufacturers, your company has made significant investments in developing new and innovative products. Another similarity is that you might have missed out on the collection of tax credits readily available to help cover your R&D costs.

If this is the case, a short video featuring editorial director Jeff Reinke and Mike Canova, Director of R&D at Stenson Tamaddon, can help answer a number of questions. Topics covered in the video include:

  • Criteria of the projects covered by the R&D tax credit. (Spoiler alert: the regs are nowhere near as restrictive as you might think)
  • Timelines and retroactive filing opportunities.
  • The forms and info you’ll need to file.
  • Additional benefits related to payroll taxes and the roles played by contractors.

This short, yet highly informative video could open the door to significant tax credits now and in the future.

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