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Safety Strikes Back

The company feels its Vader Combo is the coolest, best-fitting, most fog-free protective eyewear product on the market.

Vader Brass Knuckle Vader Combo Pr Image 5 12 21

Brass Knuckle (Cleveland, OH) recently unveiled its Vader Combo - which they feels is the coolest, best-fitting, most fog-free protective eyewear product on the market. Features of the protective eyewear and form-fitting face shield combo include:

  • 180-degree peripheral vision and face coverage.
  • The only material that touches the face is a conditioned rubber that forms the splash barrier.
  • An ANSI-rated, military-style splash goggle that includes the N-FOG anti-fog coating, a durable anti-scratch treatment, and is D3-rated for droplet and splash protection.
  • The built-in venting system helps reduce the potential for moisture buildup.
  • 99.9 percent UV protection.
  • Fits over most prescription eyeglass

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