Poultry Expo Celebrates 65 Years

The International Poultry Expo is celebrating 65 years of tradeshow service to the poultry and egg industry. Sponsored by U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, the first“poultry convention” was attended by 200 poultry men in Atlanta in 1948. Suppliers in the early years exhibited in the halls of the convention hotel.

TUCKER, Ga. (IPE) — The International Poultry Expo is celebrating 65 years of tradeshow service to the poultry and egg industry. Sponsored by U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the first“poultry convention” was attended by 200 poultry men in Atlanta in 1948. Suppliers in the early years exhibited in the halls of the convention hotel.

The first “poultry exposition” was held in January 1951. With approximately 2,000 attendees and 67 exhibiting companies, the “poultry exposition” began its phenomenal run of steadily growing and expanding year after year to become what is today’s annual International Poultry Expo.

From the beginning, USPOULTRY leaders recognized the importance of continuing education and technological advancements to keep up with the rapid changes occurring in the industry. This is demonstrated through the International Poultry Expo, the world’s largest gathering of industry leaders and the most comprehensive display of the latest technology, equipment, supplies and services used by poultry and egg companies.

Over the years, the International Poultry Expo has expanded to incorporate other areas of related production and processing. In 2007, the American Feed Industry Association signed an agreement to colocate the International Feed Expo with the International Poultry Expo; and in 2013, the International Poultry Expo will expand even further with the addition of American Meat Institute’s International Meat Expo. The new show, known as the International Production & Processing Expo, will be held Jan. 29-31 at Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Ga.

The International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) is the new umbrella name for the three integrated tradeshows, and it will be one of the 50 largest tradeshows in the United States. The entire tradeshow is expected to include more than 1,000 exhibitors and 400,000 net square feet of exhibit space. The IPPE is expected to bring over 25,000 industry leaders from over 100 countries.

The International Poultry Expo is the primary source of funding for the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, which represents the complete spectrum of today’s poultry and egg industry. USPOULTRY’s mission is to progressively serve member companies through research, education, communication, and technical assistance. Association membership includes producers and processors of broilers, turkeys, ducks, eggs, and breeding stock, as well as allied firms. Funds generated from the International Poultry Expo are reinvested into programs and services that benefit all segments of the industry.


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