A national chemical company has agreed to pay $1.4 million in civil penalties to settles charges that it violated the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) at its Dover, OH and Hammond, IN facilities. According to the U.S. EPA, the company failed to meet its pre-manufacture notice obligations before production of various chemicals. The EPA regularly cites inadequate environmental training as a contributing factor in compliance mistakes like this one.
The EPA’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2013 includes $576 million dedicated to bolstering enforcement efforts under “Next Generation Compliance,” a new model that will enhance the EPA’s ability to detect violations. Compliance managers must understand all their environmental responsibilities to avoid fines and maintain their competitive edge this year. To assist industry in complying with EPA mandates, Lion Technology presents its nationally renowned Complete Environmental Regulations Workshop in the area in April and May.
The two-day workshop provides an overview of the EPA’s growing list of standards and rules. Key topics include air quality, water quality, chemical controls, and waste management. The workshop will address changing responsibilities for chemical manufacturers and importers, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, the 261-page greenhouse gas rule, and the latest regulatory initiatives.
Lion will offer the workshop first in Indianapolis on April 16-17, followed by sessions in Columbus on April 19-20, Pittsburgh on April 23-24, Rochester on April 26-27, St. Louis on May 7-8, and Chicago on May 10-11. A complete list of workshops offered nationwide is available at www.Lion.com.
The workshop runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Day 1 and 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Day 2. Enrollment in this Lion workshop includes training, networking luncheon, 365 days of complete follow-up support, and free access to the online prep course Introduction to Environmental Regulations. Pre-registration is highly recommended. To register, call (888) 546-6511 or visit Lion online at www.Lion.com/EPARules.
About Lion Technology
Since 1977, more than 100,000 professionals have relied on Lion Technology to meet their regulatory compliance training needs. Lion offers comprehensive training and resources in the area of environmental, hazardous materials/dangerous goods transportation, and workplace health and safety compliance. Training is offered through nationwide public workshops, live web seminars, online courses, and on-site programs. Regulatory support services and consulting are provided to assist industry comply with Federal and State laws and regulations.