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“Rain, Rain Go Away So I Can Be Productive Today” study finds that inclement weather affects worker productivity.

“I’m sorry the report is late…it was raining that day.”

According to a survey of 6,000 employees, 10 percent say their productivity goes down when there is inclement weather.

Not surprisingly, they also indicated that bad weather negatively affects their moods and how they interact with their coworkers. Women also indicated that they were affected by weather more frequently than men.

Thirty-two percent of participants said they have a happier disposition on warm, sunny days and 12 percent said they tend to be sadder or angrier on dreary days.

By region, the Northeast sees the most weather-related mood swings, with 16 percent of workers indicating mood changes with bad weather.

And if you’re wondering what your employee turnout will be, check the weather station. Twenty-one percent of workers call in sick because they don’t want to travel in bad weather. In the Northeast, 32 percent have called off due to bad weather, followed by 21 percent in the South, 20 percent in the Midwest and 13 percent in the West.

The main culprit is rain, with 21 percent responding that it causes mood changes, cold was second with 14 percent and hot had 13 percent. Dark and snow were tied with 9 percent.

“Nearly one-third of workers say they tend to be in a happier mood when it’s sunny or warm outside,” said Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources for “If you’re in a happy mood, you’re typically more motivated and have more pleasant interactions with coworkers. Employers—especially those in areas where the weather can get particularly gloomy for days on end—could benefit in terms of better productivity and office relations by finding ways to lighten the mood.”

To combat bad weather blues, suggests buying a hot lunch for your staff, keeping them indoors and filled with “comfort food.” You could also play DVDs of sitcoms like “The Office” in an employee lunch room, or even try a playtime for adults team-building activity.