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Flexible, Self Service Asset-Management Software

Invensys Operations Management announced the coming availability of its Avantis Decision Support System (DSS) software. According to the company, it is a sophisticated decision-support system that transforms transaction data into meaningful and actionable business analytics based on the individual’s specific role within an organization.


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"177839","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"240","style":"float: right; margin: 10px;","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"300"}}]]Invensys Operations Management (Houston, TX) announced the coming availability of its Avantis Decision Support System (DSS) software. According to the company, it is a sophisticated decision-support system that transforms transaction data into meaningful and actionable business analytics based on the individual’s specific role within an organization. The software is pre-configured to support a comprehensive set of key performance indicators based on best practices in asset management. Users can consolidate reporting across sites; create analytics; enable drill down and drill through views; and include data from various source systems to provide greater context. The Avantis.DSS software has three primary components: data extraction/transform/load (ETL), aggregation and visualization. The ETL component is built exclusively on Microsoft technology, leveraging a set of Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for extracting source data from the Avantis.PRO software. The next step aggregates this information in to multi-dimensional data cubes for easier manipulation. The visualization component then helps create role-specific dashboards and leverages the power of Wonderware Intelligence software.

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