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Know Your Costs

MTI Systems (West Springfield, MA) announces the release of the latest version of the Costimator — Version 11.0. According to the company, the new version helps make the user experience easier and more productive while improving speed and quality of results. Easier configuration is also included.

MTI Systems (West Springfield, MA) announces the release of the latest version of the Costimator — Version 11.0. According to the company, the new version helps make the user experience easier and more productive while improving speed and quality of results. Easier configuration is also included. Additional features include:

  • Expanded drag-and-drop functionality, which allows users to move or copy operations or details within or between multiple estimates.
  • Updated cost models in the areas of tooling, fixtures, product models, process models, machining, and fabrication features.
  • Improved systems management thanks to simplified WAN configuration.

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