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New In-Sight Software Released With Advanced Defect Detection Tools

Cognex Corporation announced the release of In-Sight Explorer 4.9, software that offers an expanded set of inspection tools and an enhanced Cognex Connect communications suite featuring the iQ Sensor Solution network.


Natick, MA - Cognex Corporation announced the release of In-Sight® Explorer 4.9, software that offers an expanded set of inspection tools and an enhanced Cognex Connect™ communications suite featuring the iQ Sensor Solution network (iQSS).  This latest version of In-Sight Explorer software includes the surface flaw tool and the scene correction filter. The surface flaw tool simplifies the detection of surface defects such as scratches, discoloration, burn/black spots, label wrinkles, small dents, tears or pinholes. The new scene correction filter balances images with uneven illumination to help present the defect detection tools with evenly lit images.

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