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Slovakia eyes sale of 27 million tonnes Kyoto credits

BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Slovakia plans to sell 27 million tonnes of available Kyoto carbon credits in several tranches to buyers from the EU, Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the environment...

BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Slovakia plans to sell 27 million tonnes of available Kyoto carbon credits in several tranches to buyers from the EU, Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the environment ministry said on Wednesday.

The euro zone country wants to involve one or more external intermediaries, who will be required to deposit advanced payments and acquire a license, seeking to boost the transparency of any future transaction.

The finance ministry said expected net income of around 70 million euros ($95.54 million) a year from sales of the rights, called Assigned Amount Units (AAUs), in the 2011-2013 period.