UNION CITY, Tenn. (AP) -- Titan Tire Corp., a subsidiary of Titan International Inc., has announced a multi-year supply contract with Caterpillar for tires.
Titan has agreed to supply over-the-road tires to Caterpillar under a three-year agreement starting in 2012, according to a news release posted on the company's website. The Union City Daily Messenger reports the value of the contract is expected to exceed $100 million (http://bit.ly/wAY0eF).
Titan Tire bought the former Goodyear plant in Union City last November. The $9 million acquisition formally ended the Goodyear era in Obion County and ushered in a new tire manufacturer -- Titan Tire.
Titan Tire chairman Bill Campbell told the paper this month that an estimated 300 jobs will be created at the plant by the end of the year.