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PACK EXPO: Learn How To Use Reusables

Embedded right onto the plant floor, and located within the RPA Reusable Packaging Pavillion at booth #6458, is the new Reusables Learning Center, which is sponsored and endorsed by the Reusable Packaging Association.

Embedded right onto the plant floor, and located within the RPA Reusable Packaging Pavillion at booth #6458, is the new Reusables Learning Center, which is sponsored and endorsed by the Reusable Packaging Association. The center will provide easy access to presentations by end users such as Toyota, Herman Miller and IBM, as well as informative sessions by the RPA and its members. All the sessions are free. Hear the real-world stories of professionals who have incorporated reusables into their company's supply chain and seen great results. Notable sessions include the “Reusable Transport Packaging Boot Camp” and “Toyota Sustainability – How Reusable Packaging Solutions Contribute to Their Goals.”

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